Meet Flavour Baby Mamas And Their Beautiful daughters and son (Photos)


Flavour’s baby mamas are Sandra Uche Okagbue and Anna Ebiere Banner. Both baby mamas are former beauty queens. Sandra Okagbue was the first baby mama before Anna Banner.

Flavour is yet to make any of the two a wife. Out of the two baby mamas, Anna Banner is the one that is more welcomed by Flavour’s family. Sandra has two beautiful girls for him, while Anna has a daughter for him. That’s making it three beautiful children for Flavour.

Let’s profile the two beautiful baby mamas of Flavour.

Sandra Uche Okagbue.

Sandra Okagbue is a former beauty queen. She is the First baby mama of Flavour. She is an Actor and a Model. She now has two beautiful children for Flavour.

Sandra Okagbue is from Anambra State. She and her daughters are based in Lagos. See more beautiful pictures of Sandra Uche Okagbue.

Anna Ebiere Banner.

Anna Banner was the most beautiful girl in Nigeria in 2013. She is a model and an Actor. She is the second baby mama of Flavour. She has a beautiful daughter for him. Her daughter’s name is Sofia.

Anna Banner is from Bayelsa State. She is also based in Lagos. See more of her beautiful pictures below.

Flavour has got a thing for beauty queens. They two baby are beautiful. No wonder he has been confused on whom to choose among the two.

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